Privacy Policy

INSURESMART PRIVACY POLICY: Last update as of getLastUpdateDate()?>


Our Privacy Policy sets out the manner in which Asuroo collect, use, manage and protect the data that is capable of identifying you as an individual whether on its own or in conjunction with other data accessible by us ("Personal Data"). The purpose of this PDP statement is to inform you of how Asuroo manages Personal Data which is subject to the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act (No. 26 of 2012) ("the Act").

This PDP Statement explained our terms and conditions in using the website and service. It is designed to assist you in understanding why and how Asuroo collects and uses your Personal Data, to whom such data is disclosed and to whom data access requests can be addressed. In particular, we will ensure that:

This PDP Statement and your use of Our Website(s) shall be governed in all respects by the laws of Singapore.


Asuroo believe it is through our loyal customers that empower us to create rewarding community as we provide a great value by making your life easier when you search for insurance, banking and other financial products ("products"). To achieve this, it is necessary for us to collect and use certain Personal Data to achieve desired comparisons between the various products we offer.

"Personal Data" refers to any data, whether true or not, about an individual who can be identified (a) from that data; or (b) from that data and other information to which the organisation has or is likely to have access. While the specific types of Personal Data you submit through Our Website(s) may vary depending on the product you require and whether you maintain an account with us including and not limited to:

Collection of Personal Data:
When you register an account with us, you agreed to the collection of your Name, Identity Data, Contact Data and all other information provided to us at the time of creating your account or subsequently. If the account was created through your Facebook account, we will also collect your Social Media Data. Your usage data and/or search parameter data will also be collected to allow us to repeat your searches and understand your desired comparison.

When you carry out any ad-hoc search or request for any ad-hoc price comparison, your usage data and/or search parameter data and/or technical data will be collected even if there is no account registered with Asuroo.

When you have chosen a product, We may collect your Identity Data, Contact Data and also Transactional Data when you transact through Our Website(s) or in cases where your Selected Insurance Services Provider requires extra information from you (if any) to facilitate the purchase, provision of the product and to verify your identity.

Ways in Which Personal Data Collected
We collect Personal Data in the following ways:


For the purpose of making the product comparison to match what you really need, it is necessary for us to collect and use your Search Parameter Data.

When you select a product at Our Website(s), we may provide your Name, Identity Data, Contact Data, Search Parameter Data and Transactional Data to the Selected Insurance Services Provider and their (marketing) representatives for the purposes of: facilitating your purchase, application or the provision of the product from the Selected Insurance Services Provider or sending you relevant information and recommendations about the products and services offered by the Selected Insurance Services Provider.

We also collect, use and share Aggregated Data such as statistical or demographic data for any purpose. Aggregated Data may be derived from your personal data but is not considered Personal Data in law as this data does not identify you as an individual, whether on its own or in conjunction with other data accessible by us. For example, we may aggregate your Usage Data to calculate the percentage of users accessing a specific service feature. However, if we combine or connect Aggregated Data with your Personal Data so that it can identify you as an individual, whether on its own or in conjunction with other data accessible by us, we treat the combined data as personal data which will be used in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


We try to make the use of Our Website(s) and our services as simple and convenient as possible. We may use your Personal Data:

  1. to improve the user-experience of Our Website(s) to deliver our services in a simple with customized content, including more relevant search results);
  2. to manage, optimize, monitor and research the usage, performance and operation of Our Website(s) and the services provided through Our Website(s);
  3. to fix problems with Our Website(s) and it's relevant including software;
  4. to develop new services;
  5. responding to, processing and handing your queries, complaints, feedback suggestions, request
  6. to conduct investigations, audits, or carry out crime and fraud prevention and risk management activities;
  7. properly administer the products and services we provide, including the investigation, review, assessment and settlement of claims (if applicable);
  8. collecting insurance premiums (if applicable);
  9. marketing services and products to you
  10. operating, maintaining and providing subsequent services in relation to the applications for services and/or products;
  11. to comply with legal and regulatory requirements;
  12. to comply with any court orders or directions from government or regulatory authorities;
  13. in connection with any claims made by, against or otherwise involving you in respect of any services provided by us;
  14. enforcement of our legal rights and obligations; and
  15. for any other purpose for which we have obtained your express consent.
We may also use your Search Parameter Data, Usage Data and Technical Data for marketing and promotional purposes, including:

  1. advertisements based on your interests or previous searches that you have performed; and
  2. sending you promotional materials.
These purposes may also apply even if you do not maintain any account or relationship with us, or have terminated the account or relationship with us.

If you submit an application to us as a candidate for an employment or representative position, we may use your personal data as follows:


The use of Our Website(s) and our services is entirely voluntary but if you decide to visit, access, use or obtain any content or data from Our Website(s) or by obtaining or using any of the services rendered by us through Our Website(s), you:

  1. consent to the collection and use of your Personal Data; and
  2. authorise us to disclose and forward your Personal Data to the Insurance Provider or their (marketing) representatives and the parties mentioned in point 6 (Customer’s Right), in accordance with this privacy policy.


We will not provide your Personal Data to any party unless such party agrees and/or undertakes to be bound by provisions that subject the Personal Data to a level of protection that is comparable to what is required under the PDPA. You hereby agree to such transfer and transmission.

Examples of such transfer/transmission include the sharing of your Personal Data with certain suppliers, agents, service providers (who may be located in other territories) and Insurance Services Providers or their (marketing) representatives who we have a business relationship with or that we use for optimizing, monitoring or researching the usage, performance and operation of Our Website(s) as well as the services we provide through Our Website(s), and you hereby agree to such sharing.

We may also share your Personal Data with the following parties:

  1. the Asuroo group of companies, our parent company, subsidiaries, associated or affiliated companies, our head office and any branches and representative offices, whether located within or outside of Singapore. We will constantly update the latest list of our locations, please click here;
  2. our insurers and advisors, including without limitation consultants, auditors, accountants and lawyers;
  3. any actual or proposed assignee, transferee, participant or sub-participant of our rights or business;
  4. any relevant government regulators or authority or law enforcement agency to comply with any laws, rules and regulations or schemes imposed by any governmental authority such as, but not limited to, the Monetary Authority of Singapore, the Ministry of Manpower, the Ministry of Health, Singapore Police Force, Land Transport Authority, the Central Provident Fund Board; General Insurance Association of Singapore;
  5. reporting agencies, including Credit Bureau (Singapore), or in the event of default or disputes, any debt collection agencies or dispute resolution centres such as the Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre Ltd;
  6. any person in connection with any claims made by or against or otherwise involving you in respect of any services provided by us;
  7. any other person to whom disclosure is necessary for any of the purposes described in this Privacy Policy; and
  8. any other party to whom you authorise us to disclose your Personal Data to.
Please be informed that if you withdraw your consent to any or all uses of your Personal Data (depending on the nature of the request), Asuroo may not be in a position or able to continue providing its products or services to you or administer any contractual relationship in place. This will inevitably result in the termination of any agreements or arrangement you have with us. And if it results in any breach of your contractual obligations or undertakings, we shall reserve our legal rights and remedies in such events.

In the event that your personal data (e.g. being a beneficiary, appointed executor or as the life assured) is provided to us, you will not be allowed to access the data that is kept by us. You should contact the policy holder to liaise with us on your behalf instead.


  1. Since it is your Personal Data it is only fair that you have control of what happens to it. These are your rights and powers: Search Parameter Data, which, depending on the type of product you select, may include your (or the persons' related to you):
    1. You are entitled to withdraw your consent to any use or disclosure of your Personal Data by contacting us via
    2. You have access to the Personal Data we hold and you can ask us about the ways in which your Personal Data is used or disclosed by contacting us; and
    3. You have the right to update, rectify or make corrections to your Personal Data using the "my account" page or by contacting us directly

  2. Even if you delete your account, your Personal Data may be retained and may continue to be used by us for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. However, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that the Personal Data we process is reliable for its intended use, and as accurate and complete as is necessary to carry out the purposes described in this PDP Statement. make reasonable measures to ensure your Personal Data will not be retained longer than necessary for fulfilling the purposes described in this Privacy Policy or for other legal purposes for which retention of your Personal Data may be necessary.

  3. Asuroo will destroy any Personal Data it may hold in accordance with its internal policy which accords the following principles:
    • Personal Data will only be retained for as long as is necessary to fulfill the original or directly related purpose for which such data was collected, unless the Personal Data is also retained to satisfy any legal obligations; and
    • Personal Data is purged and/or anonymised from Asuroo's electronic, manual, and other filing systems in accordance with specific schedules based on the above criteria and Asuroo's internal procedures.


We take the protection of your Personal Data from unauthorised access by others seriously. We shall make reasonable security arrangements to prevent the unauthorised access, use, collection, disclosure or copying of your Personal Data.

We may need to transfer your Personal Data outside of Singapore. In the event there is a need for us to transfer your Personal Data out of Singapore, we will only do so after we have been assured that your Personal Data will receive a comparable level of protection as laid down in this Privacy Policy and the PDPA.

However, you acknowledge that no data transmission over the internet is completely secure. While we will have in place reasonable security measures to protect your Personal Data as outlined above, we cannot guarantee or warrant the security of any data, including Personal Data, that you provide to us and you transmit such data, including Personal Data, to us at your own risk.


If you create an account with us, or if you don't create an account but you do submit your email address we can send you: marketing material updates, account information updates and other website(s) announcements.

If you want to hear more from us, you can opt to receive more information which will include messages and content we think would be interesting for you including targeted advertisements and marketing messages from us.

As soon as you're no longer interested in these extra mailings, you can choose to unsubscribe from our mailing list.

You have the right to request access to Your Personal Data held by Asuroo and request correction of any of Your Personal Data which is incorrect. You may also withdraw consent for us to collect, use or disclose your personal data for any purpose (e.g. send you any marketing messages).


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, you can direct your question to our Data Protection Officer at


Our Website(s) is/are our business and we use all kind of tools to operate it as efficiently and optimally as possible. One of the ways we do that is by using cookies when you browse Our Website(s). A cookie is an element of data that a website can send to your browser, which may then store it on your system. We use cookies in some of our pages to store visitors' preferences and record session information. The information that we collect is then used to ensure a more personalised service level for our users.

When you visit and browse Our Website(s), we also collect general information (like your internet protocol (IP) address) that won't personally identify you. This information allows us to maintain, evaluate and improve our site's performance. We may also collect and use aggregated non-personal information to assess our offerings and to consider improvements to our products and services. You can adjust settings on your browser so that you will be notified when you receive a cookie. Please refer to your browser documentation to check if cookies have been enabled on your computer or to request not to receive cookies.

In so far as your Personal Data is being collected by our Cookies, you have the personal option to disable the use of such Cookies in your browser settings when accessing Our Website(s). Please note that disabling such Cookies may however result in loss of functionality of Our Website(s) and/or delay or affect the way Our Website(s) operate and/or (partially) restrict your use of Our Website(s).

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